I read across the corner.....


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Here's polite Imitation BONEHEAD's reaction when he finally understood who I am :

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Dream - Don't know who you are as I know many people with 3 letter names in California.

Let me take a WILD stab-in-the-dark here...

You wouldn't be that THEIF Bob "Bugsy" Rey that ripped off my cousin/associate for $400,000.00 USD for your fake company "The Sports Network,NV"??? that also owes $1000's of dollars here in Curacao to many vendors that you never paid? You owe me alot of money too dude. If this is you I suggest you had better back off as we WILL bite you in the ass, and now you are trying to latch on to Scotty, Marty and Royal and if you continue this you will end up taking them down with you. So I hope they know that. You're a wanted man Bugsy and you know it. So you might want to consider being Low-Key as your BIG MOUTH has always gotten you into trouble with the law and others. My father says hello from his grave... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

OOppsss....you forgot something, Inutition NOBODY ....you forgot to mention that I already dragged you to court..

Intutition MUD, wash your mouth and go home dude, time's over

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Wet Dream-

You responded with:<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>posted May 14, 2003 01:38 PM                      
Loud mouth IB, already took you to court once, you remember dude ?

Keep quiet, better for you little wannabe. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No. It was I who took you to court as you owed everybody including ALL the utility companies and being that the courts here in Curacao don't really enforce anything you got out off it by agreeing to make payments and you made ONE and then fled the Island.

Give it up Dream

MODS - Just to make a point here...

This harassment Intuition Bet is getting from this NEW Dream Maker poster is the DIRECT result of when in this forum Royal's CEO Mr.BIG CHEESE violated another poster's Anonymity & Privacy and posted what might be IB's private name.

And the Damages done by that kind of serious criminal violation of privacy is now IB has old enemies and jealous associates coming on to the forum to Pollute and bash with no merit in most of my threads. It has come to my attension that Big Cheese has been sending out emails to individuals in the industry taking advantage of his Temp CEO position at Royal, full of the same lies and False Slander that he made here towards IB at the Rx.

So I may be hearing from more of the Dream Maker and Cara types of bashing posters because of that Underhanded BIG CHEESE.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dream Maker:
. My father says hello from his grave... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>[/QUOTE]

No DOUBT you put him there.........

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Ham - I'm NOT going to identify BIG CHEESE by posting HIS real name and where he works (he posted it himself when he violated my privacy and posted my real name and False and Damaging Slander)

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Intrusion BET,

You are a professional liar. You state to hamneggs that you don't post real names ....

1) Yesterday you posted my real name and the name of my company across the street. FACT.

2) You continuosly post real names of E-C******* ++. FACT.

3) You posted ++'s real name plus his sensitive datas plus his home adress ( I believe ) on March 3rd 2003 . FACT.


Keep on screamin'...Irritated BET, your imagination will keep on runnin' making you believe your someone, poor NOBODY

[This message was edited by Dream Maker on May 15, 2003 at 01:06 PM.]

New member
Sep 21, 2004
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> You continuosly post real names of E-Commercepark Managing Director. FACT.

whats wrong with that?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Nothing wrong to me Bart. I'm not the one making a mess for real name disclosure, Inquisition BET is...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Dream - calm down your EGO as you're gonna give yourself a stroke.

You came out of nowhere and kept bashing me over and over again. I thought you were Big Cheese as you insult the same imature way he does. Then over at 911 you insist that you are not Big Cheese and that I know you and your from california. So I take a WILD guess that you might be that KNown SCAMMER from TSN.

First you BEG me to guess who you are and then you complain that I posted your real name.

You are obviously Incahoots with Royal's CEO Big Cheese and are TRYING to disfuse that FACT that he came in here and posted my REAL name and made False statements about my association with Royal (which he is jealous about and so are you) and stated I filed for BK 4 times in the last 5 years. That's Malicious Slander regarding my financial background.
Yoou signed-up here on April 28th and knew from day one you were going to bash me but started to make all kinds of miscellanaous post first to cover your tracks. Then you and CARA started the bashing on the same day.

So go away little Dream Maker and steal somebodies savings for your next Venture that you probably won't start.

I'm trying to be NICE you know. You took all the MONEY and didn't pay me didley even though I did ALL the work.
Would you like me to contact ALL your investors for your past Ponzi Schemes and tell them they can find you posting here?

Or should I just call those guys in San Diego?
They wanted me to make a statement about you but I refused to protect your sorry ass, and to this day you try to screw me up in everything I build you ungrateful RAT.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Insinuation BET,

we have worked together and we know each other. I like the idea of you coolin' off, since there's no reason for you to show how disgruntled you are for your past failures.

I have no interest in bashing you and I didn't, i simply remarked your offensive style towards others. This is the way you are, but I also know you can control yourself at times. Time has come.

We both know what happened between you and Royal. I have no association with them nor I want to have one at this time. Yet I believe you've badmouthed them enough. You've done the same with me in the past, so nothin' new under the sun....

Just keep cool and move on with your life as I have with mine

You may call whoever you want. I'm old enough to protect myself and don't need protection from no one...besides how can a nobody protect someone ?

Last, but not least...use your spellcheck, Illiterate BET ....immature is the spelling of your state of being, not imature ...


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Oh yeah you're such a Stand-up guy and you know everything.
And everything about what happened at Royal? I think NOT. As Royal had a failure with us. We did not have a failure with Royal. We pulled out of Royal not the other way around.
I spoke to Scotty at length this morning and he does NOT know you. And he wishes you would STOP posting that you do. You have a very shady past at best and he wants NO association with you or R.P. or C.W. etc...

I had a good sucessful career being self-employed running my own companies before I ever met you and your partners in Newport Beach, and I have had a very sucessful career since we parted ways. The 2 years I worked my ass off with you Boneheads my career was Stalled as well as my income as nothing was real with you guys, as most of the companies were just fronts to raise monies from investors and that to this day they have never seen a return on thier investments. Oh yeah that's right you did return money to the FBI investor, as you had no choice. But I think he was the only one. LOL

I work hard and have ALWAYS been sucessful because I put in long hours and am persistent.
You could of been part of this success after your venture here fizzled out,but you choose to insult everyone and everything and tore-up everything into pieces...all because you would not get-up off your lazy ass and work. You want everything for you and no one else.

The thing that has me disappointed in you even more than the unpaid money, or the emergency wild goose chase you sent me on to babysit that punk Ryan...is the fact I tried to be your friend. And put-up with your daily temper tantrums (along with C.W.) because I knew no one else could handle working with you. J.W. warned me about working with you, but I made an effort anyways.
So I bent over backwards trying to help you and when the Sh*t-Hit-The-Fan you screwed me, and showed that you had NO respect for our professional relationship and no respect at all for this friendship I offered you.

By the way I there is NO spell check in this posting forum and I never use one when I post. And you look stupid and petty for trying to point out mispelled words, like your the teacher trying to correct every LITTLE mistake. You can do better than that.

I suggest you do not respond to this and at least think about what I wrote. As if you continue all your crap and insults I WILL open a can-of-worms that you and C.W. will regret.

Good Luck in your NEW life and I really do wish you Good Luck.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
IB, I'm still waiting for you to post any document in support of your allegations against me. As stated in offshore you have my permission to do so publicly. Please go ahead.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
AROUND the corner......OR.......ACROSS the street.....NOT.......ACROSS the corner....ya dippy ****

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